HORESTA, in collaboration with management consultant Ulrik Lynge, has successfully developed and conducted the first three modules of the People & Culture Manager program in 2024 for all restaurant managers with leadership responsibilities.

The program consists of four modules—one per quarter—and has been a tremendous success. With the experience gained, the Manager Program will now be offered to all hotels, restaurants, and cafés across Denmark.

We are therefore  also launching a new course for managers in englishs. The first module will take place on February 26, 2025, followed by the next three modules on May 14, September 3, and November 5, 2025.

The program aims to optimize participants' leadership skills through the following seven learning objectives:

  1. Becoming aware of one’s leadership behavior and its impact on employees.
  2. Understanding everyday leadership and the specific responsibilities that come with the role.
  3. Developing the ability to adapt leadership styles to different employee types.
  4. Enhancing and practicing the ability to motivate employees through seven key motivational areas that promote commitment and daily well-being.
  5. Understanding and applying knowledge about team dynamics, identifying factors that foster positive team development while addressing dysfunctions.
  6. Using recognition and feedback as active leadership tools to build a culture where feedback and acknowledgment are integral to daily operations.
  7. Gaining deeper insights into general leadership and the responsibilities associated with the role.

The cost for all four modules is 4,495 DKK.

People & Culture Manager-program (English)


HORESTA, Vodroffsvej 32, 1900 Frederiksberg C


February 26 - November 5 2025


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på kursus i?

HORESTA planlægger løbende kurser om forskellige brancherelevante emner. Hvilke afhænger af, hvad vores medlemmer og andre interesserede har behov for.

Lad os høre hvilke emner du synes, vi skal arrangere et kursus eller webinar om, så planlægger vi det hurtigst muligt.